Jamen Rollins

Research Assistant

Jamen Rollins joins the Atlanta Wealth Building Initiative as a Research Assistant, bringing a passion for data analysis and a commitment to impactful outcomes. Entering the workforce during the global pandemic, Jamen honed his technical support skills in fast-paced environments across public financial services and healthcare. This diverse experience fueled his ability to think creatively, troubleshoot effectively, and translate data into actionable insights.

Jamen is a proud graduate of Howard University in Washington, D.C., where he earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics and a minor in Mathematics. He previously held positions at the Federal Reserve of San Francisco, where he served as an Associate Data & Policy Analyst, and at Koch Industries, where he worked as a Benefits Analyst. During this time, Jamen developed data manipulation skills and became proficient in using SQL to query data. As a member of the information age generation, he is passionate about visualizing data, pursuing equity opportunities, and following through with equitable impacts.

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